18 de enero de 2008


La plantilla del CAI Aragón se mira, pero no se toca. Robert Arrhenius, el pivote más completo de la Liga Asobal, continuará en la disciplina del club aragonés. Es la primera piedra de la entidad que preside Ricardo Arregui en su objetivo de construir un bloque capaz de competir en la Liga de Campeones.
Durante los últimos meses, Arrhenius había sido tentado por los mejores clubes europeos. El pivote acusó esta incertidumbre en los últimos encuentros que jugó con el CAI Aragón antes de las vacaciones de Navidad (Ademar, Antequera y Pilotes Posada). La oferta del Barça era mareante... Al final, continuará en Zaragoza por algo menos de dinero y por mucho cariño, además de por un proyecto deportivo atractivo. El jugador ya le ha dado el sí al club. Solo queda rubricar el nuevo contrato.
La renovación del Arrhenius desvela la ambición del CAI Aragón. Arregui pretende ahora atar a otros valores tentados por los mejores equipos de Europa. El caso de Toño Cartón es el más claro. Personalmente, confío en la palabra de Arregui. En el Hotel Simonov de Izola, a orillas del Adriático, después de disputar una inolvidable partida de guiñote (le cantamos cuatro veces las cuarenta al presi...), me aseguró que solo estaba dispuesto a perder en juegos de mesa, que en la pista pocos le ganarían al CAI Aragón. Hasta hoy, al menos, no ha faltado a su palabra. Llevarse un jugador por el que también pugna el Barça os aseguro que no es nada sencillo. Ahí se empieza a hacer un club grande, cuando mantiene sus grandes jugadores. El deseo es hacer un equipo mejor. Hay que conservar todo lo bueno que hay (que es bastante) y firmar tres jugadores de entidad. La primera piedra ya está puesta: la renovación de Arrhenius.

166 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

"POR FIN",ya estabamos preocupados.Bien venido Raul

Anónimo dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

y el amigo lapajne de partidazo en partidazo con su camiseta eslovena, no le motiva la nuestra?

Anónimo dijo...

Espera a que vuelva, vendran todos cansados menos Borges que estara como una rosa brasileña,naturalmente.

Anónimo dijo...

No te preocupes que en otro blog de balonmano han comentado que no hace falta que entrene para estar al nivel o incluso superar a sus compañeros. Y yo me pregunto ?para que entrenaran jugadores como Juanin, Rocas, Victor....¿De TBO

Anónimo dijo...

No dice eso, y lo sabes. Mete toda la cizaña que quieras. Para eso es muy bueno llamarse anónimo.

Anónimo dijo...

ahora que hay pocas noticias del Cai, yo quiero referirme a la pena que me da no haber podido ver los partidos de España sin tenr que pagar. Asi es muy díficil que el balonmano se promocione. No entieno que otros deportes nos los den hasta la saciedad y la selección de balonmano española no podamos verla en abierto.
En fin....

Anónimo dijo...



Anónimo dijo...

Todo tiene su lado positivo, por lo menos la realización es buena, hay previas de los partidos, se retrasmiten muchos partidos del campeonato, incluso puedes zapear de un partido a otro o verlos en diferido en otro rato lo que nos permite ver a Doder(Ormeyer no le olio una)Arrenhius,Beno haciendo de muro contra Polonia...

Por no hablar de que no tengo miedo de que la emisión no comience porque esta jugando/gimiendo Sharapova, El Volley, la Vela o porque falta de entrar el Peloton de los torpes en la vuelta a Murcia.

Se nota que yo ya tenia esos canales y no he sufrido que no se emita en abierto.
Pero pienso que también de esta manera se fomenta el Balonmano.

Anónimo dijo...

Doder y Lapajne, destacan con sus selecciones.Y Mariano con España.

Anónimo dijo...

Con las ganas que tenéis algunos de echar al entrenador, y en el Fútbol se caen de maduros.
Anda que……………

Anónimo dijo...

Sin comentarios

Anónimo dijo...

Parece que Carton ha renovado.

Anónimo dijo...

Mision cumplida

Anónimo dijo...

La burocracia o la tranquilidad personal.!Ya es hora!

Anónimo dijo...

Me refiero a Borges

Anónimo dijo...

Los blogueros del balonmano zaragozano que se pongan a entrenar a la selección. Dueto Raul - Lahoz Mikel Alcazar para sustituir al tonto de Pastor ¡YA!

Anónimo dijo...

Que poco quieres a nuestro amado Líder y al bueno de Mikel.

Anónimo dijo...

Raúl, ¿cree usted que Ruesga debió jugar en todos los partidos del europeo?

Anónimo dijo...

Gracias Toño. Eres un Fenómeno.

Anónimo dijo...

A quien le toca renovar este año¿

Anónimo dijo...

Les toca renovar a Zaki, Pablo, Kos.Creo yo.Pablo tiene un año mas pero igual le hacen como a Carton

Anónimo dijo...

se habla en los artículos de que se haran 2 fichajes de talla mundial, (aparete Sifre supongo)
Asi que deberían ser un Portero y un central.
Con Zaky no se que haran, el se quiere quedar, pero con lo que cobra... pienso que pretenderan rebajarle algo el sueldo.

Mohamed Abdellatif dijo...

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La plantilla del CAI Aragón se mira impresionante esta temporada. Han tenido una serie de victorias impresionantes y han demostrado tener un gran espíritu de equipo. Cada jugador parece estar en la mejor forma de su carrera y su juego en conjunto es simplemente increíble de ver.
El entrenador ha hecho un excelente trabajo en la dirección del equipo y ha implementado una estrategia ganadora. La defensa ha sido sólida y su ofensiva es explosiva. Es evidente que han trabajado arduamente en los entrenamientos para lograr tal nivel de rendimiento.
Además, hay que destacar la actitud y comportamiento de los jugadores dentro y fuera de la cancha. Han mostrado respeto hacia sus oponentes y han demostrado fair play en cada partido. Es un verdadero placer ver a un equipo jugar con tal deportividad.
Estoy emocionado por el futuro del CAI Aragón y estoy seguro de que seguirán siendo un equipo fuerte y competitivo en las próximas temporadas. Felicitaciones a todo el equipo por su éxito hasta el momento y les deseo todo lo mejor en lo que resta de la temporada.

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Robert dijo...

¡Excelente artículo! Me encanta saber que se está reconociendo y destacando la élite del deporte en Aragón. Es sumamente importante poner en valor el talento y el esfuerzo de estos deportistas que nos representan tanto a nivel regional como nacional e incluso internacional.
La diversidad de disciplinas deportivas en Aragón es admirable, desde el fútbol hasta el atletismo, pasando por deportes acuáticos y de montaña. Todos merecen nuestro reconocimiento y apoyo.
Es inspirador ver cómo cada vez más jóvenes se interesan por el deporte y siguen los pasos de estos deportistas de élite. Es una muestra de que el deporte tiene el poder de unir a las personas y transmitir valores como la superación, el trabajo en equipo y la disciplina.
Enhorabuena a todos los deportistas destacados del artículo, sigan persiguiendo sus sueños y demostrando al mundo que Aragón es una potencia deportiva a tener en cuenta. ¡Seguiré atento a sus logros y éxitos!

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CAI Aragón has retained Robert Arrhenius, despite offers from top European clubs like Barça, demonstrating their ambition and attractive sporting project. The club's commitment to retaining key players like Arrhenius is crucial for establishing themselves as a formidable force and reflects the club's environment where affection and the sporting project play pivotal roles. Ricardo Arregui's strategic plan to build a competitive team capable of challenging in the Champions League is evident, with the club aiming to secure three more important signings. The personal interaction and trust between players and the club's leadership demonstrate a strong bond between the players and the club's leadership. The renewal of Arrhenius not only bolsters the squad but also serves as a statement of intent by CAI Aragón, indicating their determination to build a competitive team capable of rivalling the best in Europe. The club's commitment to securing Arrhenius suggests a proactive approach in keeping core players while actively pursuing additional signings to elevate the team's performance. Arregui's confidence in the team's abilities and the cohesive spirit within the club reflects their collective ambition and determination to excel on a broader competitive scale. fatal motorcycle accident alexandria virginia

Stella Davies dijo...

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CAI Aragón has laid the first stone of its foundation, marking a significant step forward for the organization. The event highlights the symbolic importance of the first stone, symbolizing both physical construction and the growth of CAI Aragón's mission. The event also emphasizes community involvement and collaboration, showcasing CAI Aragón's commitment to engagement and partnership. The event concludes with an excitement for future developments as CAI Aragón continues its journey, building on the foundation laid with this momentous event.

zyairkhan dijo...

Stay tuned as we bring you exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and expert perspectives on why "El CAI Aragón Pone la Primera Piedra" is more than just a ceremonial act—it's a declaration of commitment, progress, and a promising future for the club and its supporters.family law attorney near me edison nj

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The "EL CAI Aragón Pone la Primera Piedra" announcement is a groundbreaking announcement signaling the start of a significant project or endeavor. The phrase "Pone la Primera Piedra" introduces a symbolic and ceremonial aspect, suggesting the commencement of a notable construction or development. The local relevance of the organization adds context to the news. The headline suggests that there is more to the story, with readers interested in further details about the project, purpose, or significance. The announcement also has potential for community engagement, with information about how the community can be involved or affected enhancing the overall impact.

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A key turning point in the development of architecture has been reached with the groundbreaking ceremony for the El Cai Aragón. The first stone was carefully and excitedly put by the crew, marking the beginning of an exciting project. As the neighborhood saw the creation of a future monument, the occasion exuded a spirit of excitement and aspiration. The El Cai Aragón team's imaginative approach was clearly visible, laying the groundwork for what looks to be an architectural miracle. Excitement for the revolutionary effect this structure will have, fusing innovation with Aragón's rich cultural heritage, rose as the foundation was constructed. An indeed promising beginning.
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"El CAI Aragón Pone la Primera Piedra" marks a significant milestone as the CAI Aragón takes the symbolic step towards a new beginning. The ceremony, signifying the laying of the foundation stone, represents a commitment to growth and development in the Aragón community. This event not only highlights the dedication of CAI Aragón but also signifies a promising future for the organization and its constituents. The act of laying the first stone is a powerful symbol of progress, echoing the collective aspirations and vision for the CAI Aragón's future endeavors. Overall, this momentous occasion sets the stage for a new chapter in the CAI Aragón's journey. dui lawyer emporia va

Emilyjames dijo...

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The article 'CAI Aragón Puts the First Stone' offers a comprehensive and insightful look at a significant milestone for CAI Aragón. It captures the importance and excitement of the event, with quotes from key figures adding authenticity. The clear and concise writing style makes it easy for readers to follow the narrative. The article effectively communicates the symbolic nature of the event, and the use of visuals could enhance engagement. Overall, it is a great source of information for CAI Aragón's development.

petersonk dijo...

"A promising project gets underway in El Cai Aragón with the groundbreaking ceremony. The ceremonial setting of the first stone marks the beginning of an exciting new phase in development. The community's expectation for positive improvements was evident in the well-planned, enthusiastically attended event. I'm excited to watch El Cai Aragón expand and succeed as this auspicious start lays the groundwork for future achievements. Bravo to the planners for a first-ever event that was impactful and unforgettable."
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CAI Aragón's groundbreaking ceremony marked the start of a new chapter in the community's development, symbolizing progress, unity, and commitment to building a brighter future. The event was filled with hope, anticipation, and excitement for the future. The leadership team expressed gratitude to all who contributed to making this dream a reality. The ceremony marked the beginning of construction on a project that will enhance the physical landscape, strengthen social bonds, and create growth opportunities.

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Thomson dijo...

"EL CAI ARAGÓN PONE LA PRIMERA PIEDRA" translates to "EL CAI ARAGÓN LAYS THE FIRST STONE" in English. This signifies a significant milestone or groundbreaking event for the organization or project mentioned. It suggests the commencement of a new venture or construction project, symbolizing progress and future developments. The laying of the first stone marks the beginning of an exciting journey and reflects the dedication and commitment of those involved. Stay tuned for updates on the progress and achievements of EL CAI ARAGÓN. mejor abogado para planificación patrimonial

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The laying of the foundation stone marks an important milestone for the El Cai Aragón project. This landmark occasion marks the start of a promising venture that will change the landscape. The construction seeks to integrate modernity with heritage, giving a peaceful space for inhabitants and visitors alike. With its strategic position and visionary design, El Cai Aragón has enormous potential to become an iconic attraction. As anticipation grows, the community excitedly awaits the completion of this enormous project, which is expected to positively impact the region's growth and prosperity.
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lucask110198 dijo...

The El Cai Aragón project marks a significant milestone with the laying of its foundational stone. This momentous event heralds the beginning of a new era, promising innovation and progress for the Aragón region. As the cornerstone is placed, anticipation for the project's development swells, with hopes for economic revitalization and community enrichment. The symbolic act represents a commitment to growth and prosperity, symbolizing the collective effort and determination of all involved. With this inaugural step, the path forward is illuminated, inviting optimism and excitement for the transformative journey ahead. The journey has begun, and the future of El Cai Aragón shines brightly.
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La colocación de la primera piedra para el proyecto del CAI Aragón es un paso emocionante para toda la comunidad. Este tipo de iniciativas no solo refuerzan el compromiso con el deporte y la cultura local, sino que también promueven un espacio de encuentro y desarrollo para jóvenes y aficionados del balonmano en Aragón.Contract Dispute Mediation offers a great alternative to court battles, helping businesses resolve conflicts more efficiently and with far less expense. Unlike traditional litigation, mediation provides a more flexible, confidential setting where both parties can communicate openly and work toward a customized solution that meets their needs. It’s also faster, which can be crucial for maintaining business momentum and reducing the impact of a dispute on operations.

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The phrase "El Cai Aragn pone la primera piedra" refers to a significant event or milestone in a construction project or initiative in a place associated with "El Cai" or "Aragn." The ceremony symbolizes the beginning of a new venture or development, involving community involvement, cultural significance, and development projects like residential buildings, public infrastructure, schools, or cultural centers. Understanding the historical context of the event can provide additional context on its impact on the region How to Divorce in New York City.

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ehanlida dijo...

CAI Aragón Lays the First Stone marks an exciting milestone in the development of a groundbreaking project aimed at enhancing the region's infrastructure and community spaces. This ceremony symbolizes not just the physical beginning of construction but also a commitment to innovation, sustainability, and growth. CAI Aragón's initiative promises to bring significant benefits, from boosting local economies to improving quality of life for residents.
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The article highlights the beginning of a new project, construction, or significant development for the CAI Aragón sports team. The review comment should express the significance of the event, potential impact, or thoughts based on the context. The author encourages including personal perspectives on the project's future stages and cultural significance.
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archiethomasar dijo...

Your reference to "CAI Aragon lays the first stone" seems to indicate that you need assistance writing a paragraph for it. sex crimes in the military. Could you elaborate on the subject or give additional background? Are you talking about an organizational milestone, a groundbreaking ceremony, or something else entirely?

Miageorge dijo...

"This article about CAI Aragón laying the first stone is a wonderful piece of sports history! It beautifully captures the significance of this milestone for the team and the community. The writing is clear and engaging, highlighting the excitement and potential of this new chapter. It’s inspiring to see the commitment to growth and development in the world of handball. A fantastic read for any fan of the sport and local teams!"
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An significant milestone in the creation of a ground-breaking project to improve the area's infrastructure and public areas has been reached with CAI Aragón Laying the First Stone. This ceremony represents a dedication to innovation, sustainability, and expansion in addition to the actual start of building. The effort of CAI Aragón is expected to have a major positive impact on local economy and citizens' quality of life.Virginia Weapons Offense Attorneys

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Advina Logan dijo...

La plantilla del CAI Aragón se mira, pero no se toca. Robert Arrhenius, el pivote más completo de la Liga Asobal, continuará en la disciplina del club aragonés. Es la primera piedra de la entidad que direct Ricardo Arregui en su objetivo de construir un bloque capaz de competir en la Liga de Campeones.
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Edwardk110198 dijo...

The groundbreaking ceremony for the new CAI Aragón building represents a significant turning point in the growth of the area. The occasion honored creativity, camaraderie, and forward-thinking. With its cutting-edge architecture and environmentally friendly elements, this project is sure to set the standard for advancement in Aragón.The general law in the USA is a complex and evolving system rooted in both federal and state jurisdictions. It encompasses a wide range of legal principles, including constitutional, statutory, and case law. The system aims to balance individual rights with public order and safety. While it provides a framework for justice and legal processes, its complexity and variation across states can pose challenges. The ongoing development of laws reflects societal changes and strives to address contemporary issues, maintaining a dynamic legal landscape.
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Cádiz Balonmano is a passionate handball team known for its strong community support and competitive spirit. With a mix of experienced players and rising talents, they bring an exciting energy to the court. Their tactical play and teamwork have earned them a solid reputation in the league. As they continue to improve, their future looks promising with potential for even greater achievements Traffic Lawyer Orange VA

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The sport is fast-paced and combines elements of soccer and basketball, with players using their hands to control the ball. It is commonly played in Europe, Latin America, and increasingly in other regions around the world.
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Amira dijo...

Caibalonmano is a blog dedicated to handball news, analysis, and updates, primarily focused on the sport's development in Spain. Readers appreciate the detailed coverage of local and international tournaments, as well as player profiles. However, some might find the blog's specialized content less appealing if they’re not avid handball fans. Traffic Lawyer Mecklenburg VA

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georgemicheal dijo...

Caibalonmano refers to a term related to the sport of handball, potentially a brand, club, or community focused on the promotion and development of handball activities. Whether it's a team, training program, or organization, caibalonmano serves as a hub for enthusiasts and players to engage with the sport. Bankruptcy Lawyers in Virginia are legal professionals specializing in helping individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of bankruptcy law in Virginia. They provide expert advice and representation for those facing financial difficulties, offering guidance on various types of bankruptcy filings, including Chapter 7, Chapter 13, and Chapter 11.

adelelian dijo...

CAI Aragón Lays the First Stone marks the beginning of an exciting new development project in the region. This symbolic ceremony sets the stage for future growth, highlighting a commitment to progress and community development.
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By placing the first piece of what will be a new phase of expansion, the Centro de Atención Integral (CAI) Aragón makes a significant advancement in its development. This project aims to improve community care by providing more spaces and resources for medical, educational, or social assistance services.virginia beach prostitution sting

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